Overload Post-Physical Therapy
Overload post-physical rehabilitation is not your traditional post-rehabilitation practice and it is not for everyone. We specialize in chronic injuries unlike traditional therapy practices that specialize in acute injuries. At Overload, spinal rehabilitation is our area of expertise.
The most fundamental goal of any physical rehabilitation program is to increase muscular strength and flexibility. This in turn increases the body’s overall functional ability. This is also the primary aim of the Overload high-intensity strength training system.
As we age, we significantly decrease our functional ability due to decreases in muscular strength, flexibility and mobility. Overload post-physical rehabilitation utilizes the unique “Whole-Part-Whole” approach. This approach addresses body parts above and below (“Whole”) the directly affected injured “Part” while also addressing the entire body as a “Whole.” By using this approach, Overload post-physical rehabilitation produces a dramatic result by increasing the entire body’s functional ability in far less time than traditional therapies.
At Overload our state of the art exercise equipment provides extremely low levels of friction along with the most biomechanical sound movement patterns, which elevate stress on the joints. This allows us to effectively strengthen and condition the body without the risk of injury. This, along with our clinically controlled environment, allows for the most efficient and effective post-physical rehabilitation program possible.
Overload post-physical rehabilitation is not only therapeutic but also preventative. Several research studies have shown the effectiveness of decreasing work-related injuries through high-intensity strength training.
If you are suffering from a chronic injury that has decreased your quality of life then call Overload today to begin the healing process. You should not have to live every day in pain. Overload is your solution!
*Overload is NOT a physical therapy practice and we do not accept insurance for any of our strength training sessions.